
Provide a Fish Pond

International Children’s Fund is committed to making sustainable improvements in the lives that we serve – leading towards self-sufficiency. Providing funds to create a fish farm helps their local economy and allows them to be a self-sustaining community.

These programs will provide food for orphanages, schools, communities and will often provide a marketable product for the region.

While it may not be the prettiest thing in the world, a fish pond is more than just a sustainable food supply. The fish ponds allow schools, communities, and orphanages to create their own micro-commerce.

By empowering local in-country organizations, we help create a self-sustaining micro-commerce by providing the funds to help construct fish ponds. The average price for a fish pond is $5000 USD. But every donation counts towards sustainability. 

What Our Clients/Donors/Volunteers Say

Our Partners

We are pleased to partner with the following organizations to bring tangible hope to children in the villages we serve throughout the African continent and other locations.